
Offers & Pricing

Writing Coaching,  
Poetry Coaching,

Oral History.


See Services page for an overview of each service.


For Memoirs and Other Nonfiction, Poetry, and Fiction

If your manuscript feels incomplete, not expressing what you want in the strongest possible way, I will review it in depth and see what your intention is for your project. Then I will make various editing suggestions to help you fulfill that intention. The result is that your work will express your intention in a clearer, more flowing, more compelling way. And all the small details, like grammar, punctuation, spelling, word choice, etc., will be taken care of as well.

Fee: $45/hour

Some Questions to Consider Beforehand:

  • What do you see as your intention?

  • What kind of editing do you need?

    • Substantive, or big-picture, editing?

    • Copy editing, focusing on smaller details such as grammar and punctuation?

    • Or both?

  • Who might you envision as the readers of your writing?


Perhaps you need some help with getting started on a writing project, or are in the middle of one but feel stuck, needing some new inspiration to move forward. As a writing coach attuned to your unique project, I can suggest some fresh perspectives to help you get unstuck and achieve momentum. In addition, we can talk about constructive ways to nurture your creativity, which will allow you to listen to yourself more deeply so that you will be more open to new ideas and possibilities, coming up with them on your own.

As a writing coach, I’ve helped numerous writers get unstuck and make progress with their progress.

Fee: $45/hour

Poetry Coaching

Listen to your heart, and the poems will start flowing. Let me help guide and support you to begin the exciting journey of becoming a poet — or to go further, if you already are one. We will read and discuss some powerful poems together to inspire your own writing. Also, I will give you some writing prompts and suggestions, as well as gentle feedback on your emerging poems.

Fee: $45/hour

Oral History

Leave a legacy — your valuable life story — for your children and grandchildren. Savor pleasant memories, hold difficult ones with compassion, and reflect on the larger meaning of your life. I will interview you about the facts of your life. Then, after the interviews are transcribed, I will edit them and create a flowing, compelling chronological narrative of your life that you can share with family and friends.

Fee: $45/hour plus transcription cost

Some Questions to Consider Before We Meet:

  • Do you need an aid, such as photographs, to stimulate your memory?

  • Do you want to include photographs and/or other items to supplement the factual narrative?

  • Is there material that’s difficult for you to reveal and talk about that perhaps I can help you decide how to deal with?

Let me help you make your writing powerfully express what you want it to say,

so that you feel fulfilled by it and touch your readers’ hearts.

Contact me at ralphdranow@yahoo.com, or (510) 465-3935 (Pacific Standard Time)